Home Food & Drink Premium Organic Super Negin Saffron Threads, Grade A+

Premium Organic Super Negin Saffron Threads, Grade A+

SKU: p_pwg7jqmzu5
Our Saffron has a beautiful delicate floral flavor, golden color and warm, honeyed fragrance reminiscent of dried roses and fresh hay. Our saffron threads are pulled carefully from the flower, which leaves a characteristic flame-colored tail. That slight gradation in color is your assurance that our saffron is 100% pure and never dyed or otherwise adulterated.
The threads are also uncommonly delicate.
Saffron is a key element in cuisines from the Mediterranean to South Asia and is used in both sweet and savory preparations. It adds a distinctive floral flavor and golden color to fragrant rice dishes like paella, risotto and biryani, to frozen desserts like ice cream and kulfi, and to traditional teas.
Cooking Tips: Steep a few threads in warm water when making crunchy baked rice Add a pinch of threads when making paella Fold into buttery bread, cake or cookie doughs Steep in cream for a rich pasta sauce





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